Package 'ecoregime'

Title: Analysis of Ecological Dynamic Regimes
Description: A toolbox for implementing the Ecological Dynamic Regime framework (Sánchez-Pinillos et al., 2023 <doi:10.1002/ecm.1589>) to characterize and compare groups of ecological trajectories in multidimensional spaces defined by state variables. The package includes the RETRA-EDR algorithm to identify representative trajectories, functions to generate, summarize, and visualize representative trajectories, and several metrics to quantify the distribution and heterogeneity of trajectories in an ecological dynamic regime and quantify the dissimilarity between two or more ecological dynamic regimes. The package also includes a set of functions to assess ecological resilience based on ecological dynamic regimes (Sánchez-Pinillos et al., 2024 <doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2023.110409>).
Authors: Martina Sánchez-Pinillos [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Martina Sánchez-Pinillos <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 3)
Version: 0.2.0
Built: 2025-02-14 04:42:46 UTC

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Define representative trajectories from trajectory features


Generate an object of class RETRA from a data frame containing trajectory states to define representative trajectories in Ecological Dynamic Regimes (EDR).


define_retra(data, d = NULL, trajectories = NULL, states = NULL, retra = NULL)



A data frame of four columns indicating identifiers for the new representative trajectories, the individual trajectories or sites to which the states belong, the order of the states in the individual trajectories, and the identifier of the representative trajectory to which the states belong (only if !is.null(retra)). Alternatively, 'data' can be a vector or a list of character vectors including the sequence of segments forming the new representative trajectory. See Details for further clarifications to define data.


Either a symmetric matrix or an object of class dist containing the dissimilarities between each pair of states of all trajectories in the EDR. If NULL (default), the length (Length) of the new representative trajectories and the distances between states of different trajectories or sites (Link_distance) are not calculated.


Only needed if !is.null(d). Vector indicating the trajectory or site to which each state in d belongs.


Only needed if !is.null(d). Vector of integers indicating the order of the states in d for each trajectory.


Object of class RETRA returned from retra_edr(). If NULL (default), minSegs and Seg_density are not provided for the new representative trajectories.


Each representative trajectory returned by the function retra_edr() corresponds to the longest sequence of representative segments that can be linked according to the criteria defined in the RETRA-EDR algorithm (Sánchez-Pinillos et al., 2023). One could be interested in splitting the obtained trajectories, considering only a fraction of the returned trajectories, or defining representative trajectories following different criteria than those in RETRA-EDR. The function define_retra() allows generating an object of class RETRA that can be used in other functions of ecoregime (e.g., plot()).

For that, it is necessary to provide information about the set of segments or trajectory states that form the new representative trajectory through the argument data:

  • data can be defined as a data frame with as many rows as the number of states in all representative trajectories and the following columns:


    A string indicating the identifier of the new representative trajectories. Each identifier needs to appear as many times as the number of states forming each representative trajectory.


    A vector indicating the individual trajectories in the EDR to which each state of the new representative trajectory belongs.


    A vector of integers indicating the identifier of the states forming the new representative trajectories. Each integer must refer to the order of the states in the individual trajectories of the EDR to which they belong.


    Only if the new trajectories are defined from representative trajectories returned by retra_edr() (when !is.null(retra)). A vector of strings indicating the representative trajectory in retra to which each state belongs.

  • Alternatively, data can be defined as either a vector (if there is one representative trajectory) or a list of character vectors (with as many elements as the number of representative trajectories desired) containing the sequence of segments of the representative trajectories. In any case, each segment needs to be specified in the form traj[st1-st2], where traj is the identifier of the original trajectory to which the segment belongs and st1 and st2 are identifiers of the initial and final states defining the segment. If only one state of an individual trajectory is considered to form the representative trajectory, the corresponding segment needs to be defined as traj[st-st].


An object of class RETRA, which is a list of length equal to the number of representative trajectories defined. For each trajectory, the following information is returned:


Value of the minSegs parameter used in retra_edr(). If retra is NULL, minSegs = NA.


Vector of strings including the sequence of segments forming the representative trajectory. Each segment is identified by a string of the form traj[st1-st2], where traj is the identifier of the original trajectory to which the segment belongs and st1 and st2 are identifiers of the initial and final states defining the segment. The same format traj[st1-st2] is maintained when only one state of an individual trajectory is considered (st1 = st2). traj, st1, and st2 are recycled from data.


Integer indicating the number of states forming the representative trajectory.


Numeric value indicating the length of the representative trajectory, calculated as the sum of the dissimilarities in d between every pair of consecutive states. If d is NULL, Length = NA.


Data frame of two columns indicating artificial links between two segments (Link) and the dissimilarity between the connected states (Distance). When two representative segments are linked by a common state or by two consecutive states of the same trajectory, the link distance is zero or equal to the length of a real segment, respectively. In both cases, the link is not considered in the returned data frame. If d is NULL, Link_distance = NA.


Data frame of two columns and one row for each representative segment. Density contains the number of segments in the EDR that is represented by each segment of the representative trajectory. kdTree_depth contains the depth of the k-d tree for each leaf represented by the corresponding segment. That is, the number of partitions of the ordination space until finding a region with minSegs segments or less. If retra is NULL, Seg_density = NA.


Martina Sánchez-Pinillos

See Also

retra_edr() for identifying representative trajectories in EDRs through RETRA-EDR.

summary() for summarizing the characteristics of the representative trajectories.

plot() for plotting representative trajectories in an ordination space representing the state space of the EDR.


# Example 1 -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Define representative trajectories from the outputs of retra_edr().

# Identify representative trajectories using retra_edr()
d <- EDR_data$EDR1$state_dissim
trajectories <- EDR_data$EDR1$abundance$traj
states <- EDR_data$EDR1$abundance$state
old_retra <- retra_edr(d = d, trajectories = trajectories, states = states,
                       minSegs = 5)

# retra_edr() returns three representative trajectories

# Keep the last five segments of trajectories "T2" and "T3"
selected_segs <- old_retra$T2$Segments[4:length(old_retra$T2$Segments)]

# Identify the individual trajectories for each state...
selected_traj <- rep(c(15, 4, 4, 1, 14), each = 2)

# ...and the states (in the same order as the representative trajectory).
selected_states <- c(1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 1, 2, 2, 3)

# Generate the data frame with the format indicated in the documentation
df <- data.frame(RT = rep("A", length(selected_states)),
                 RT_traj = selected_traj,
                 RT_states = as.integer(selected_states),
                 RT_retra = rep("T2", length(selected_states)))

# Remove duplicates (trajectory 4, state 3)
df <- unique(df)

# Generate a RETRA object using define_retra()
new_retra <- define_retra(data = df,
                          d = d,
                          trajectories = trajectories,
                          states = states,
                          retra = old_retra)

# Example 2 -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Define representative trajectories from sequences of segments

# Select all segments in T1, split T2 into two new trajectories, and include
# a trajectory composed of states belonging to trajectories "5", "6", and "7"
data <- list(old_retra$T1$Segments,
             c("5[1-2]", "5[2-3]", "7[4-4]", "6[4-5]"))

# Generate a RETRA object using define_retra()
new_retra <- define_retra(data = data,
                          d = d,
                          trajectories = trajectories,
                          states = states,
                          retra = old_retra)

# Example 3 -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Define two representative trajectories from individual trajectories in EDR1.

# Define trajectory "A" from states in trajectories 3 and 4
data_A <- data.frame(RT = rep("A", 4),
                     RT_traj = c(3, 3, 4, 4),
                     RT_states = c(1:2, 4:5))

# Define trajectory "B" from states in trajectories 5, 6, and 7
data_B <- data.frame(RT = rep("B", 5),
                     RT_traj = c(5, 5, 7, 6, 6),
                     RT_states = c(1, 2, 4, 4, 5))

# Compile data for both trajectories in a data frame
df <- rbind(data_A, data_B)
df$RT_states <- as.integer(df$RT_states)

# Generate a RETRA object using define_retra()
new_retra <- define_retra(data = df, d = EDR_data$EDR1$state_dissim,
                          trajectories = EDR_data$EDR1$abundance$traj,
                          states = EDR_data$EDR1$abundance$state)

Metrics of trajectory deviation with respect to a reference trajectory


Set of metrics to analyze the deviation of disturbed trajectories from an ecological dynamic regime (EDR) considering a representative trajectory as the reference. These metrics include the resistance to the disturbance, amplitude, recovery, and net change.


  predisturbed_states = disturbed_states - 1

  predisturbed_states = disturbed_states - 1,
  index = c("absolute", "relative"),
  method = "nearest_state"

  index = c("absolute", "relative"),
  method = "nearest_state"

  predisturbed_states = disturbed_states - 1,
  index = c("absolute", "relative"),
  method = "nearest_state"



Either a symmetric matrix or an object of class dist containing the dissimilarities between each pair of states.


Vector indicating the trajectory or site to which each state in d belongs.


Vector of integers indicating the order of the states in d for each trajectory.


Vector of the same class as trajectories indicating the identifier of the disturbed trajectories.


Vector of integers included in statesindicating the first state after the release of the disturbance for each value in disturbed_trajectories.


Vector of integers included in states indicating the last undisturbed state of each disturbed_trajectories. The previous states to disturbed_states are considered by default.


Object of class RETRA indicating the representative trajectory taken as the reference to compute the amplitude, recovery, and net_change of the disturbed trajectories (see Details).


Method to calculate amplitude, recovery, or net change ("absolute", "relative"; see Details).


Method to calculate the distance between the disturbed_states or predisturbed_states and the reference trajectory. One of "nearest_state", "projection" or "mixed" (see Details).


Resistance (resistance())

Resistance captures the immediate impact of the disturbance as a function of the changes in the state variables (Sánchez-Pinillos et al., 2019).

Rt=1dpre,distRt = 1 - d_{pre,dist}

Amplitude (amplitude())

Amplitude indicates the direction in which the system is displaced during the disturbance in relation to the reference (Sánchez-Pinillos et al., 2024). Positive values indicate that the disturbance displaces the system towards the boundaries of the dynamic regime. Negative values indicate that the disturbance displaces the system towards the representative trajectory.

Two indices can be calculated:

If index = "absolute",

A=ddist,RTdpre,RTA = d_{dist,RT} - d_{pre,RT}

If index = "relative",

A=ddist,RTdpre,RTdpre,distA = \frac{d_{dist,RT} - d_{pre,RT}}{d_{pre,dist}}

Recovery (recovery())

Recovery quantifies the ability of the system to evolve towards the reference following the relief of the disturbance (if positive) or move in the direction of the boundaries of the dynamic regime (if negative) (Sánchez-Pinillos et al., 2024).

Two indices can be calculated:

If index = "absolute",

Rc=ddist,RTdpost,RTRc = d_{dist,RT} - d_{post,RT}

If index = "relative",

Rc=ddist,RTdpost,RTddist,postRc = \frac{d_{dist,RT} - d_{post,RT}}{d_{dist,post}}

Net change (net_change())

Net change quantifies the proximity of the system to the reference relative to the pre-disturbed state (Sánchez-Pinillos et al., 2024). Positive values indicate that the system eventually evolves towards the boundaries of the dynamic regime. Negative values indicate that the system eventually evolves towards the reference.

Two indices can be calculated:

If index = "absolute",

NC=dpost,RTdpre,RTNC = d_{post,RT} - d_{pre,RT}

If index = "relative",

NC=dpost,RTdpre,RTdpre,postNC = \frac{d_{post,RT} - d_{pre,RT}}{d_{pre,post}}

In all cases:

  • dpre,RTd_{pre,RT} is the dissimilarity between the predisturbed_states and the reference.

  • ddist,RTd_{dist,RT} is the dissimilarity between the disturbed_states and the reference.

  • dpost,RTd_{post,RT} is the dissimilarity between the states after disturbed_states and the reference.

  • dpre,distd_{pre,dist} is the dissimilarity contained in d between the predisturbed_states and the disturbed_states.

  • ddist,postd_{dist,post} is the dissimilarity contained in d between the disturbed_states and the post-disturbed states.

  • dpre,postd_{pre,post} is the dissimilarity contained in d between the predisturbed_states and the post-disturbed states.

dpre,RTd_{pre,RT}, ddist,RTd_{dist,RT}, and dpost,RTd_{post,RT} are calculated using the function state_to_trajectory() by three different methods:

  • If method = "nearest_state", dpre,RTd_{pre,RT}, ddist,RTd_{dist,RT}, and dpost,RTd_{post,RT} are calculated as the dissimilarity between the pre-disturbance, disturbed, or post-disturbance states and their nearest state in the reference.

  • If method = "projection", dpre,RTd_{pre,RT}, ddist,RTd_{dist,RT}, and dpost,RTd_{post,RT} are calculated as the dissimilarity between the pre-disturbance, disturbed, or post-disturbance states and their projection onto the reference.

  • If method = "mixed", dpre,RTd_{pre,RT}, ddist,RTd_{dist,RT}, and dpost,RTd_{post,RT} are calculated in the same way than method = "projection" whenever the pre-disturbance, disturbed and post-disturbance states can be projected onto any segment of the reference. Otherwise, dpre,RTd_{pre,RT}, ddist,RTd_{dist,RT}, and dpost,RTd_{post,RT} are calculated using the nearest state of the reference.


  • resistance() returns a data frame of two columns indicating the resistance value (Rt) for each disturbed_trajectory.

  • amplitude() returns a data frame of three columns indicating the amplitude value (A_abs; A_rel) for each disturbed_trajectory and reference. If index = c("absolute", "relative"), both values are included in a data frame of four columns.

  • recovery() returns a data frame of four columns indicating the recovery value (Rc_abs; Rc_rel) for each disturbed_trajectory, post-disturbance state (state) and reference. If index = c("absolute", "relative"), both values are included in a data frame of five columns.

  • net_change returns a data frame of four columns indicating the net change value (NC_abs; NC_rel) for each disturbed_trajectory, post-disturbance state (state), and reference. If index = c("absolute", "relative"), both values are included in a data frame of five columns.


Martina Sánchez-Pinillos


Sánchez-Pinillos, M., Leduc, A., Ameztegui, A., Kneeshaw, D., Lloret, F., & Coll, L. (2019). Resistance, resilience or change: Post-disturbance dynamics of boreal forests after insect outbreaks. Ecosystems 22, 1886-1901

Sánchez-Pinillos, M., Dakos, V., & Kéfi, S. (2024). Ecological dynamic regimes: A key concept for assessing ecological resilience. Biological Conservation 289, 110409

See Also

retra_edr() to identify representative trajectories in an ecological dynamic regime.

define_retra() to generate an object of classRETRA.

state_to_trajectory() to calculate the position of a state with respect to a trajectory.


# Identify the representative trajectories of the EDR from undisturbed trajectories
RT <- retra_edr(d = EDR_data$EDR3$state_dissim,
                trajectories = EDR_data$EDR3$abundance$traj,
                states = as.integer(EDR_data$EDR3$abundance$state),
                minSegs = 5)

# Abundance matrix including disturbed and undisturbed trajectories
abundance <- rbind(EDR_data$EDR3$abundance,
                   EDR_data$EDR3_disturbed$abundance, fill = TRUE)

# State dissimilarities (Bray-Curtis) for disturbed and undisturbed trajectories
d <- vegan::vegdist(abundance[, paste0("sp", 1:12)], method = "bray")

# Resistance
Rt <- resistance(d = d, trajectories = abundance$traj, states = abundance$state,
                 disturbed_trajectories = unique(abundance[!]$traj),
                 disturbed_states = abundance[disturbed_states == 1]$state)

# Amplitude
A <- amplitude(d = d, trajectories = abundance$traj, states = abundance$state,
               disturbed_trajectories = unique(abundance[!]$traj),
               disturbed_states = abundance[disturbed_states == 1]$state, reference = RT)

# Recovery
Rc <- recovery(d = d, trajectories = abundance$traj, states = abundance$state,
               disturbed_trajectories = unique(abundance[!]$traj),
               disturbed_states = abundance[disturbed_states == 1]$state, reference = RT)

# Net change
NC <- net_change(d = d, trajectories = abundance$traj, states = abundance$state,
                 disturbed_trajectories = unique(abundance[!]$traj),
                 disturbed_states = abundance[disturbed_states == 1]$state, reference = RT)

Dissimilarities between Ecological Dynamic Regimes


Generate a matrix containing dissimilarities between one or more pairs of Ecological Dynamic Regimes (EDR). dist_edr() computes different dissimilarity indices, all of them based on the dissimilarities between the trajectories of two EDRs.


  trajectories = NULL,
  states = NULL,
  metric = "dDR",
  symmetrize = NULL,



Symmetric matrix or object of class dist containing the dissimilarities between each pair of states of all trajectories in the EDR or the dissimilarities between each pair of trajectories.


One of "dStates" (if d contains state dissimilarities) or "dTraj" (if d contains trajectory dissimilarities).


Only if d.type = "dStates". Vector indicating the trajectory or site corresponding to each entry in d.


Only if d.type = "dStates". Vector of integers indicating the order of the states in d for each trajectory.


Vector indicating the EDR to which each trajectory/state in d belongs.


A string indicating the dissimilarity index to be used: "dDR" (default), "minDist", "maxDist".


String naming the function to be called to symmetrize the resulting dissimilarity matrix ("mean", "min", ⁠"max⁠, "lower", "upper"). If NULL (default), the matrix is not symmetrized.


Only if d.type = "dStates". Further arguments to calculate trajectory dissimilarities. See ecotraj::trajectoryDistances().


The implemented metrics are:


dDR(R1,R2)=1ni=1ndTR(T1i,R2)d_{DR}(R_1, R_2) = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{n} d_{TR}(T_{1i}, R_2)


dDRmin(R1,R2)=mini=1n{dTR(T1i,R2)}d_{DRmin}(R_1, R_2) = \min_{i=1}^{n} \{ d_{TR}(T_{1i}, R_2) \}


dDRmax(R1,R2)=maxi=1n{dTR(T1i,R2)}d_{DRmax}(R_1, R_2) = \max_{i=1}^{n} \{ d_{TR}(T_{1i}, R_2) \}

where R1R_1 and R2R_2 are two EDRs composed of nn and mm ecological trajectories, respectively, and dTR(T1i,R2)d_{TR}(T_{1i}, R_2) is the dissimilarity between the trajectory T1iT_{1i} of R1R_1 and the closest trajectory of R2R_2:

dTR(T1i,R2)=min{dT(T1i,T21),...,dT(T1i,T2m)}d_{TR}(T_{1i}, R_2) = \min\{d_T(T_{1i}, T_{21}), ... , d_T(T_{1i}, T_{2m})\}

The metrics calculated are not necessarily symmetric. That is, dDR(R1,R2)d_{DR}(R_1, R_2) is not necessarily equal to dDR(R2,R1)d_{DR}(R_2, R_1). It is possible to symmetrize the returned matrix by indicating the name of the function to be used in symmetrize:


dDRsym=dDR(R1,R2)+dDR(R2,R1)2d_{DRsym} = \frac{d_{DR}(R_1, R_2) + d_{DR}(R_2, R_1)}{2}


dDRsym=min{dDR(R1,R2),dDR(R2,R1)}d_{DRsym} = \min\{d_{DR}(R_1, R_2), d_{DR}(R_2, R_1)\}


dDRsym=max{dDR(R1,R2),dDR(R2,R1)}d_{DRsym} = \max\{d_{DR}(R_1, R_2), d_{DR}(R_2, R_1)\}


The lower triangular part of the dissimilarity matrix is used.


The upper triangular part of the dissimilarity matrix is used.


Matrix including the dissimilarities between every pair of EDRs.


Martina Sánchez-Pinillos


Sánchez-Pinillos, M., Kéfi, S., De Cáceres, M., Dakos, V. 2023. Ecological Dynamic Regimes: Identification, characterization, and comparison. Ecological Monographs. doi:10.1002/ecm.1589


# Load species abundances and compile in a data frame
abun1 <- EDR_data$EDR1$abundance
abun2 <- EDR_data$EDR2$abundance
abun3 <- EDR_data$EDR3$abundance
abun <- data.frame(rbind(abun1, abun2, abun3))

# Define row names in abun to keep the reference of the EDR, trajectory, and
# state
row.names(abun) <- paste0(abun$EDR, "_", abun$traj, "_", abun$state)

# Calculate dissimilarities between every pair of states
# For example, Bray-Curtis index
dStates <- vegan::vegdist(abun[, -c(1, 2, 3)], method = "bray")

# Use the labels in dStates to define the trajectories to which each state
# belongs
id_traj <- vapply(strsplit(labels(dStates), "_"), function(x){
                    paste0(x[1], "_", x[2])
                }, character(1))
id_state <- vapply(strsplit(labels(dStates), "_"), function(x){
                }, integer(1))
id_edr <- vapply(strsplit(labels(dStates), "_"), function(x){
                    paste0("EDR", x[1])
                }, character(1))

# Calculate dissimilarities between every pair of trajectories
dTraj <- ecotraj::trajectoryDistances(d = dStates, sites = id_traj,
                                      surveys = id_state,
                                      distance.type = "DSPD")

# Use labels in dTraj to identify EDRs
id_edr_traj <- vapply(strsplit(labels(dTraj), "_"), function(x){
                    paste0("EDR", x[1])
                }, character(1))

# Compute dissimilarities between EDRs:
# 1) without symmetrizing the matrix and using state dissimilarities
dEDR <- dist_edr(d = dStates, d.type = "dStates",
                 trajectories = id_traj, states = id_state, edr = id_edr,
                 metric = "dDR", symmetrize = NULL)

# 2) symmetrizing by averaging elements on and below the diagonal and using
# trajectory dissimilarities
dEDR <- dist_edr(d = dTraj, d.type = "dTraj", edr = id_edr_traj,
                 metric = "dDR", symmetrize = "mean")

Ecological Dynamic Regime data


Example datasets to characterize and compare EDRs, including abundance data, state, segment, and trajectory dissimilarity matrices for 93 artificial communities belonging to three different EDRs.




List of four nested sublists. Each element of "EDR1", "EDR2", and "EDR3" is associated with one EDR and includes the following elements:

  • abundance: Data table with 15 columns and one row for each community state:

    • EDR: Integer indicating the identifier of the EDR.

    • traj: Integer containing the identifier of the trajectory for each artificial community in the corresponding EDR. Each trajectory represents a different sampling unit.

    • state: Integer indicating the observations or states of each community. The sequence of states of a given community forms a trajectory.

    • ⁠sp1, ..., sp12⁠: Vectors containing species abundances for each community state.

  • state_dissim: Object of class dist containing Bray-Curtis dissimilarities between every pair of states in abundance.

  • segment_dissim: Object of class dist containing the dissimilarities between every pair of trajectory segments in abundance.

  • traj_dissim: Object of class dist containing the dissimilarities between every pair of community trajectories in abundance.

The element EDR3_disturbed represents the dynamics of three disturbed communities originally associated with EDR3. It includes an abundance matrix with 16 columns and one row for each community state. The column disturbed_states is a numeric vector indicating whether the corresponding state represents a state before the disturbance (0), during or immediately after the release of the disturbance (1), or a post-disturbance state (> 1).


Artificial data was generated following the procedure explained in Box 1 in Sánchez-Pinillos et al. (2023). The initial state of each community was defined using a hypothetical environmental space with optimal locations for 12 species. Community dynamics were simulated using a general Lotka-Volterra model.

Abundances for EDR3_disturbed were generated following the procedure explained in Sánchez-Pinillos et al. (2024) for ecological systems affected by pulse disturbances.

State dissimilarities were calculated using the Bray-Curtis metric. Segment and trajectory dissimilarities were calculated using the package 'ecotraj'.


Sánchez-Pinillos, M., Kéfi, S., De Cáceres, M., Dakos, V. 2023. Ecological Dynamic Regimes: Identification, characterization, and comparison. Ecological Monographs. doi:10.1002/ecm.1589

Sánchez-Pinillos, M., Dakos, V., Kéfi, S. 2024. Ecological Dynamic Regimes: A key concept for assessing ecological resilience. Biological Conservation. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2023.110409

Metrics of Ecological Dynamic Regimes


Set of metrics to analyze the distribution and variability of trajectories in Ecological Dynamic Regimes (EDR), including dynamic dispersion (dDis), dynamic beta diversity (dBD), and dynamic evenness (dEve).


  states = NULL,
  w.type = "none",

dBD(d, d.type, trajectories, states = NULL, ...)

dEve(d, d.type, trajectories, states = NULL, w.type = "none", w.values, ...)



Symmetric matrix or object of class dist containing the dissimilarities between each pair of states of all trajectories in the EDR or the dissimilarities between each pair of trajectories. To compute dDis, d needs to include the dissimilarities between all states/trajectories and the states/trajectory of reference.


One of "dStates" (if d contains state dissimilarities) or "dTraj" (if d contains trajectory dissimilarities).


Vector indicating the trajectory or site corresponding to each entry in d.


Only if d.type = "dStates". Vector of integers indicating the order of the states in d for each trajectory.


Vector of the same class as trajectories and length equal to one, indicating the reference trajectory to compute dDis.


Method used to weight individual trajectories:

  • "none": All trajectories are considered equally relevant (default).

  • "length": Trajectories are weighted by their length, calculated as the sum of the dissimilarities between every pair of consecutive states. d must contain dissimilarities between trajectory states and d.type = "dStates".

  • "size": Trajectories are weighted by their size, calculated as the number of states forming the trajectory. d must contain dissimilarities between trajectory states and d.type = "dStates".

  • "precomputed": Trajectories weighted according to different criteria.


Only if w.type = "precomputed". Numeric vector of length equal to the number of trajectories containing the weight of each trajectory.


Only if d.type = "dStates". Further arguments to calculate trajectory dissimilarities. See ecotraj::trajectoryDistances().


Dynamic dispersion (dDis())

dDis is calculated as the average dissimilarity between each trajectory in an EDR and a target trajectory taken as reference (Sánchez-Pinillos et al., 2023).

dDis=i=1mdiαmdDis = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{m}d_{i\alpha}}{m}

where diαd_{i\alpha} is the dissimilarity between trajectory ii and the trajectory of reference α\alpha, and mm is the number of trajectories.

Alternatively, it is possible to calculate a weighted mean of the dissimilarities by assigning a weight to each trajectory.

dDis=i=1mwidiαi=1mwidDis = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{m}w_{i}d_{i\alpha}}{\sum_{i=1}^{m}w_{i}}

where wiw_{i} is the weight assigned to trajectory ii.

Dynamic beta diversity (dBD())

dBD quantifies the overall variation of the trajectories in an EDR and is equivalent to the average distance to the centroid of the EDR (De Cáceres et al., 2019).

dBD=i=1m1j=i+1mdij2m(m1)dBD = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{m-1}\sum_{j=i+1}^{m}d_{ij}^{2}}{m(m-1)}

Dynamic evenness (dEve())

dEve quantifies the regularity with which an EDR is filled by the individual trajectories (Sánchez-Pinillos et al., 2023).

dEve=l=1m1min(dijl=1m1dij,1m1)1m11111dEve = \frac{\sum_{l=1}^{m-1}\min(\frac{d_{ij}}{\sum_{l=1}^{m-1}d_{ij}}, \frac{1}{m-1}) - \frac{1}{m-1}}{1-\frac{1}{1-1}}

where dijd_{ij} is the dissimilarity between trajectories ii and jj linked in a minimum spanning tree by the link ll.

Optionally, it is possible to weight the trajectories of the EDR. In that case, dEve becomes analogous to the functional evenness index proposed by Villéger et al. (2008).

dEvew=l=1m1min(EWijl=1m1EWij,1m1)1m11111dEve_{w} = \frac{\sum_{l=1}^{m-1}\min(\frac{EW_{ij}}{\sum_{l=1}^{m-1}EW_{ij}}, \frac{1}{m-1}) - \frac{1}{m-1}}{1-\frac{1}{1-1}}

where EWijEW_{ij} is the weighted evenness:

EWij=dijwi+wjEW_{ij} = \frac{d_{ij}}{w_i + w_j}


  • dDis() returns the value of dynamic dispersion for a given trajectory taken as a reference.

  • dBD() returns the value of dynamic beta diversity.

  • dEve() returns the value of dynamic evenness.


Martina Sánchez-Pinillos


De Cáceres, M, Coll L, Legendre P, Allen RB, Wiser SK, Fortin MJ, Condit R & Hubbell S. (2019). Trajectory analysis in community ecology. Ecological Monographs.

Sánchez-Pinillos, M., Kéfi, S., De Cáceres, M., Dakos, V. 2023. Ecological Dynamic Regimes: Identification, characterization, and comparison. Ecological Monographs. doi:10.1002/ecm.1589

Villéger, S., Mason, N.W.H., Mouillot, D. (2008) New multidimensional functional diversity indices for a multifaced framework in functional ecology. Ecology.


# Data to compute dDis, dBD, and dEve
dStates <- EDR_data$EDR1$state_dissim
dTraj <- EDR_data$EDR1$traj_dissim
trajectories <- paste0("T", EDR_data$EDR1$abundance$traj)
states <- EDR_data$EDR1$abundance$state

# Dynamic dispersion taking the first trajectory as reference
dDis(d = dTraj, d.type = "dTraj", trajectories = unique(trajectories),
         reference = "T1")

# Dynamic dispersion weighting trajectories by their length
dDis(d = dStates, d.type = "dStates", trajectories = trajectories, states = states,
         reference = "T1", w.type = "length")

# Dynamic beta diversity using trajectory dissimilarities
dBD(d = dTraj, d.type = "dTraj", trajectories = unique(trajectories))

# Dynamic evenness
dEve(d = dStates, d.type = "dStates", trajectories = trajectories, states = states)

# Dynamic evenness considering that the 10 first trajectories are three times
# more relevant than the rest
w.values <- c(rep(3, 10), rep(1, length(unique(trajectories))-10))
dEve(d = dTraj, d.type = "dTraj", trajectories = unique(trajectories),
         w.type = "precomputed", w.values = w.values)

Plot representative trajectories of Ecological Dynamic Regimes


Plot representative trajectories of an Ecological Dynamic Regime (EDR) in the state space distinguishing between the segments belonging to real trajectories of the EDR and the artificial links between segments.


## S3 method for class 'RETRA'
  select_RT = NULL,
  traj.colors = NULL,
  RT.colors = NULL,
  sel.color = NULL,
  link.color = NULL,
  link.lty = 2,
  axes = c(1, 2),



Object of class RETRA.


Symmetric matrix or dist object containing the dissimilarities between each pair of states of all trajectories in the EDR or data frame containing the coordinates of all trajectory states in an ordination space.


Vector indicating the trajectory or site to which each state in d belongs.


Vector of integers indicating the order of the states in d for each trajectory.


Optional string indicating the name of a representative trajectory that must be highlighted in the plot. By default (select_RT = NULL), all representative trajectories are represented with the same color.


Specification for the color of all individual trajectories (defaults "grey") or a vector with length equal to the number of trajectories indicating the color for each individual trajectory.


Specification for the color of representative trajectories (defaults "black").


Specification for the color of the selected representative trajectory (defaults "red"). Only if !is.null(select_RT).


Specification for the color of the links between trajectory segments forming representative trajectories. By default, the same color than RT.colors is used.


The line type of the links between trajectory segments forming representative trajectories. Defaults 2 = "dashed" (See graphics::par).


An integer vector indicating the pair of axes in the ordination space to be plotted.


Arguments for generic plot().


The function plot() plots a set of individual trajectories and the representative trajectories in an ordination space defined through d or calculated by applying metric multidimensional scaling (mMDS; Borg and Groenen, 2005) to d.


Martina Sánchez-Pinillos


Borg, I., & Groenen, P. J. F. (2005). Modern Multidimensional Scaling (2nd ed.). Springer.

Sánchez-Pinillos, M., Kéfi, S., De Cáceres, M., Dakos, V. 2023. Ecological Dynamic Regimes: Identification, characterization, and comparison. Ecological Monographs. doi:10.1002/ecm.1589

See Also

retra_edr() for identifying representative trajectories in EDRs applying RETRA-EDR.

define_retra() for defining representative trajectories from a subset of segments or trajectory features.

summary() for summarizing representative trajectories in EDRs.


# Example 1 -----------------------------------------------------------------

# d contains the dissimilarities between trajectory states
d <- EDR_data$EDR1$state_dissim

# trajectories and states are defined according to `d` entries.
trajectories <- EDR_data$EDR1$abundance$traj
states <- EDR_data$EDR1$abundance$state

# x defined from retra_edr(). We obtain three representative trajectories.
RT <- retra_edr(d = d, trajectories = trajectories, states = states, minSegs = 5)

# Plot individual trajectories in blue and representative trajectories in orange,
# "T2" will be displayed in green. Artificial links will be displayed with a
# dotted line.
plot(x = RT, d = d, trajectories = trajectories, states = states, select_RT = "T2",
     traj.colors = "lightblue", RT.colors = "orange", sel.color = "darkgreen",
     link.lty = 3, main = "Representative trajectories in EDR1")

# Example 2 -----------------------------------------------------------------

# d contains the coordinates in an ordination space. For example, we use
# the coordinates of the trajectory states after applying a principal component
# analysis (PCA) to an abundance matrix.
abun <- EDR_data$EDR1$abundance
pca <- prcomp(abun[, -c(1:3)])
coord <- data.frame(pca$x)

# trajectories and states are defined according to the abundance matrix
# used in the PCA
trajectories <- EDR_data$EDR1$abundance$traj
states <- EDR_data$EDR1$abundance$state

# Instead of using the representative trajectories obtained from `retra_edr()`,
# we will define the set of trajectories that we want to highlight. For example,
# we can select the trajectories whose initial and final states are in the
# extremes of the first axis.
T1 <- trajectories[which.max(coord[, 1])]
T2 <- trajectories[which.min(coord[, 1])]
RT_traj <- c(trajectories[trajectories %in% T1],
             trajectories[trajectories %in% T2])
RT_states <- c(states[which(trajectories %in% T1)],
               states[which(trajectories %in% T2)])

# Create a data frame to generate a RETRA object using define_retra
RT_df <- data.frame(RT = c(rep("T1", sum(trajectories %in% T1)),
                           rep("T2", sum(trajectories %in% T2))),
                 RT_traj = RT_traj,
                 RT_states = as.integer(RT_states))
RT_retra <- define_retra(data = RT_df)

# Plot the defined trajectories with the default graphic values
plot(x = RT_retra, d = coord, trajectories = trajectories, states = states,
     main = "Extreme trajectories in EDR1")

Representative trajectories in Ecological Dynamic Regimes (RETRA-EDR)


retra_edr() applies the algorithm RETRA-EDR (Sánchez-Pinillos et al., 2023) to identify representative trajectories summarizing the main dynamical patterns of an Ecological Dynamic Regime (EDR).


  dSegs = NULL,
  coordSegs = NULL,
  traj_Segs = NULL,
  state1_Segs = NULL,
  state2_Segs = NULL,
  Dim = NULL,
  eps = 0



Either a symmetric matrix or an object of class dist containing the dissimilarities between each pair of states of all trajectories in the EDR.


Vector indicating the trajectory or site to which each state in d belongs.


Vector of integers indicating the order of the states in d for each trajectory.


Integer indicating the minimum number of segments in a region of the EDR represented by a segment of the representative trajectory.


Either a symmetric matrix or an object of class dist containing the dissimilarities between every pair of trajectory segments (see Details).


Matrix containing the coordinates of trajectory segments (rows) in each axis (columns) of an ordination space (see Details).


Vector indicating the trajectory to which each segment in dSeg and/or coordSegs belongs. Only required if dSegs or coordSegs are not NULL.


Vector indicating the initial state of each segment in dSegs and/or coordSegs according to the values given in states. Only required if dSegs or coordSegs are not NULL.


Vector indicating the final state of each segment in dSegs and/or coordSegs according to the values given in states. Only required if dSegs or coordSegs are not NULL.


Optional integer indicating the number of axes considered to partition the segment space and generate a k-d tree. By default (Dim = NULL), all axes are considered.


Numeric value indicating the minimum length in the axes of the segment space to be partitioned when the k-d tree is generated. If eps = 0 (default), partitions are made regardless of the size.


The algorithm RETRA-EDR is based on a partition-and-group approach by which it identifies regions densely crossed by ecological trajectories in an EDR, selects a representative segment in each dense region, and joins the representative segments by a set of artificial Links to generate a network of representative trajectories. For that, RETRA-EDR splits the trajectories of the EDR into segments and uses an ordination space generated from a matrix containing the dissimilarities between trajectory segments. Dense regions are identified by applying a k-d tree to the ordination space.

By default, RETRA-EDR calculates segment dissimilarities following the approach by De Cáceres et al. (2019) and applies metric multidimensional scaling (mMDS, Borg and Groenen, 2005) to generate the ordination space. It is possible to use other dissimilarity metrics and/or ordination methods and reduce the computational time by indicating the dissimilarity matrix and the coordinates of the segments in the ordination space through the arguments dSegs and coordSegs, respectively.

  • If !is.null(dSegs) and is.null(coordSegs), RETRA-EDR is computed by applying mMDS to dSegs.

  • If !is.null(dSegs) and !is.null(coordSegs), RETRA-EDR is directly computed from the coordinates provided in coordSegs and representative segments are identified using dSegs. coordSegs should be calculated by the user from dSegs.

  • If is.null(dSegs) and !is.null(coordSegs) (not recommended), RETRA-EDR is directly computed from the coordinates provided in coordSegs. As dSegs is not provided, retra_edr() assumes that the ordination space is metric and identifies representative segments using the Euclidean distance.


The function retra_edr() returns an object of class RETRA, which is a list of length equal to the number of representative trajectories identified. For each trajectory, the following information is returned:


Value of the minSegs parameter.


Vector of strings including the sequence of segments forming the representative trajectory. Each segment is identified by a string of the form traj[st1-st2], where traj is the identifier of the original trajectory to which the segment belongs and st1 and st2 are identifiers of the initial and final states defining the segment.


Numeric value indicating the number of states forming the representative trajectory.


Numeric value indicating the length of the representative trajectory, calculated as the sum of the dissimilarities in d between every pair of consecutive states.


Data frame of two columns indicating artificial links between representative segments (Link) and the dissimilarity between the connected states (Distance). When two representative segments are linked by a common state or by two consecutive states of the same trajectory, the link distance is zero or equal to the length of a real segment, respectively. In both cases, the link is not considered in the returned data frame.


Data frame of two columns and one row for each representative segment. Density contains the number of segments in the EDR that is represented by each segment of the representative trajectory. kdTree_depth contains the depth of the k-d tree for each leaf represented by the corresponding segment. That is, the number of partitions of the ordination space until finding a region with minSegs segments or less.


Martina Sánchez-Pinillos


Borg, I., & Groenen, P. J. F. (2005). Modern Multidimensional Scaling (2nd ed.). Springer.

De Cáceres, M, Coll L, Legendre P, Allen RB, Wiser SK, Fortin MJ, Condit R & Hubbell S. (2019). Trajectory analysis in community ecology. Ecological Monographs.

Sánchez-Pinillos, M., Kéfi, S., De Cáceres, M., Dakos, V. 2023. Ecological Dynamic Regimes: Identification, characterization, and comparison. Ecological Monographs. doi:10.1002/ecm.1589

See Also

summary() for summarizing the characteristics of the representative trajectories.

plot() for plotting representative trajectories in an ordination space representing the state space of the EDR.

define_retra() for defining representative trajectories from a subset of segments or trajectory features.


# Example 1 -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Identify representative trajectories from state dissimilarities

# Calculate state dissimilarities (Bray-Curtis) from species abundances
abundance <- data.frame(EDR_data$EDR1$abundance)
d <- vegan::vegdist(abundance[, -c(1:3)], method = "bray")

# Identify the trajectory (or site) and states in d
trajectories <- abundance$traj
states <- as.integer(abundance$state)

# Compute RETRA-EDR
RT1 <- retra_edr(d = d, trajectories = trajectories, states = states,
                 minSegs = 5)

# Example 2 -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Identify representative trajectories from segment dissimilarities

# Calculate segment dissimilarities using the Hausdorff distance
dSegs <- ecotraj::segmentDistances(d = d, sites = trajectories,
                                    surveys = states,
                                    distance.type = "Hausdorff")
dSegs <- dSegs$Dseg

# Identify the trajectory (or site) and states in dSegs:
# Split the labels of dSegs (traj[st1-st2]) into traj, st1, and st2
seg_components <- strsplit(gsub("\\]", "", gsub("\\[", "-", labels(dSegs))), "-")
traj_Segs <- sapply(seg_components, "[", 1)
state1_Segs <- as.integer(sapply(seg_components, "[", 2))
state2_Segs <- as.integer(sapply(seg_components, "[", 3))

# Compute RETRA-EDR
RT2 <- retra_edr(d = d, trajectories = trajectories, states = states, minSegs = 5,
                dSegs = dSegs, traj_Segs = traj_Segs,
                state1_Segs = state1_Segs, state2_Segs = state2_Segs)

Position of a state with respect to a trajectory


Define the position of a state with respect to a reference trajectory based on its distance from the trajectory and the length and direction of the trajectory.


  coordStates = NULL



Either a symmetric matrix or an object of class dist containing the dissimilarities between each pair of states.


Vector indicating the trajectory or site to which each state in d belongs.


Vector of integers indicating the order of the states in d for each trajectory (assign 1 if the state does not belong to any trajectory).


Vector of integers indicating the indices in trajectories and states of the ecological states for which their relative position will be calculated.


Vector of the same class of trajectories or object of class RETRA indicating the reference trajectory to calculate the relative position of the target_states


Method to calculate the distance and relative position of the target_states and the reference. One of "nearest_state", "projection" or "mixed" (see Details).


Matrix containing the coordinates of each state (rows) and axis (columns) of a metric ordination space (see Details)


state_to_trajectory() can calculate the distance and relative position of one or more target_states relative to a reference trajectory by three different methods:

  • "nearest_state" returns the dissimilarity of the target_states to the nearest state of the reference trajectory (distance) and calculates the relative position of the nearest state within the reference.

  • "projection" returns the dissimilarity of the target_states to their projection onto the reference trajectory and calculates the relative position of the projected state within the reference. This method requires d to be metric (i.e. to satisfy the triangle inequality). If d is not metric, state_to_trajectory() calculates the Euclidean distance within a transformed space generated through multidimensional scaling (Borg and Groenen, 2005). To use the state coordinates in a different metric space, use the coordStates argument. When the target_states cannot be projected onto any of the segments forming the reference trajectory, state_to_trajectory() returns NA for both distance and relative_position.

  • "mixed" calculates the dissimilarity between the target_states and the reference trajectory, as well as their relative position by computing its projection onto any of the segments of the reference (analogous to method = "projection"). For the target_states that cannot be projected, state_to_trajectory() uses the nearest state in the reference to compute distance and relative_position (analogous to method = "nearest_state").


The function state_to_trajectory() returns a data frame of four columns including the distance and relative_position between the target_state and the reference.

  • Depending on the method, distance is calculated as the dissimilarity between the target_states and their respective nearest state in the reference or the dissimilarity to their projections onto the reference.

  • The relative_position is a value that ranges between 0 (if the nearest state or projected point coincides with the first reference state) and 1 (if the nearest state or projected point coincides with the last reference state).


Martina Sánchez-Pinillos


# State dissimilarities
d <- vegan::vegdist(EDR_data$EDR3$abundance[, paste0("sp", 1:12)], method = "bray")
trajectories <- EDR_data$EDR3$abundance$traj
states <- EDR_data$EDR3$abundance$state

# Calculate the representative trajectories of an EDR to be used as reference
RT <- retra_edr(d,
               trajectories = trajectories,
               states = states,
               minSegs = 10)

# Define the target states
target_states <- as.integer(c(1, 16, 55))

# Calculate the position of the target states with respect to  the representative
# trajectories of an EDR
state_to_trajectory(d, trajectories = trajectories,
                    states = states,
                    target_states = target_states,
                    reference = RT,
                    method = "nearest_state")

Summarize representative trajectories


Summarize the properties of representative trajectories returned by retra_edr() or define_retra()


## S3 method for class 'RETRA'
summary(object, ...)



An object of class RETRA.


(not used)


Data frame with nine columns and one row for each representative trajectory in object. The columns in the returned data frame contain the following information:


Identifier of the representative trajectories.


Number of states forming each representative trajectory.


Sum of the dissimilarities in d between every pair of consecutive states forming the representative trajectories.


Mean value of the dissimilarities between consecutive states of the representative trajectories that do not belong to the same ecological trajectory or site (i.e., artificial links).


Sum of the dissimilarities between consecutive states of the representative trajectories that do not belong to the same ecological trajectory or site (i.e., artificial links).


Mean value of the number of segments represented by each segment of the representative trajectory (excluding artificial links).


Maximum number of segments represented by at least one of the segments of the representative trajectory (excluding artificial links).


Mean value of the k-d tree depths, that is, the number of partitions of the ordination space until finding a region with minSegs segments or less.


Maximum depth in the k-d tree, that is, the number of partitions of the ordination space until finding a region with minSegs segments or less.

See Also

retra_edr() for identifying representative trajectories in EDRs applying RETRA-EDR.

define_retra() for generating an object of class RETRA from trajectory features.


# Apply RETRA-EDR to identify representative trajectories
d = EDR_data$EDR1$state_dissim
trajectories = EDR_data$EDR1$abundance$traj
states = EDR_data$EDR1$abundance$state
RT <- retra_edr(d = d, trajectories = trajectories, states = states, minSegs = 5)

# Summarize the properties of the representative trajectories in a data frame